Feature Highlight

Software Update: Stable Version 19.3 Highlights

Version 19.3 released as Stable.

15 requested enhancements & new features were implemented in this software update.

2020 CDT Codes now available! Update to version or greater and run the D Codes tool.

Click on the topic to jump to that section

A New Look for Module Preferences

All your favorite preferences are still here, but instead of having tabs, preferences for each module are now shown in one window.


New Appointment Module Features

While it looks similar, we’ve added several requested features.
(Keep voting for those Feature Requests!)

  • Appointment Module preference allows multiple appointments to be scheduled in the same time slot.
  • Appointment Module preference for Appointment font size.
    The default size is 8, but you can choose a font size between 1 and 40.
  • Appointment Module preference allows you to change the size of the provider time bar on appointments (0 disables the bar entirely). The width can be set up to 20.
  • You can type an abbreviated note in the provider time bar. Double-click on an appointment and type in the right column.
  • If you have multiple operatories and want to keep them from getting too small, set a Minimum Op Width in the Appointment View. If the sum of the operatory widths is too large, a scroll bar will appear.

New Account Module Features

Dynamic payment plans

This new type of payment plan in the Payment Plan dropdown allows you to continuously add treatment without re-creating the plan or creating additional plans. In other words, if you create a Dynamic Payment Plan for a patient who had a crown today, and they have additional treatment later, you can quickly add the additional charges into the plan.

Dynamic Payment Plan 19.3

Some things you should know:

  • Your existing (Patient) Payment Plans cannot be converted to Dynamic Payment Plans so just use this type going forward.
  • If you’re always using Dynamic Payment Plans but you decide you don’t want additional charges added to a specific payment plan, you can “lock” the plan. (NOTE: payment plans with APR are automatically locked).
  • Production (procedures and adjustments) must be attached to a Dynamic Payment Plan. The payment plan amount will be the sum of the attached production. You must attach production before adding the terms. Then you can create the Amortization Schedule. At this time, only completed procedures can be added to a Dynamic Payment Plan.
See more on our Dynamic Payment Plans manual page.

Manage Module Enhancements

The Send Claims window has two new columns

  • Provider (treating)
  • ProcCodes (attached to the claim/preauthorization)

Click on a column header to sort by that column.

TECH TIP: If DateService is showing 01/01/0001, it’s a Preauthorization.

Archive a task list

Task lists can now be archived. Right-click a task list in the Main tab and select Archive. This will:

  • Hide the task list from the Main tab.
  • Change the Task List Date and Object Types to ‘None’.
  • Archives any sub-task lists.
  • Disassociates any user inboxes.
  • It does not delete or edit any tasks in that inbox.

Task Options allow you to view archived lists. You can then un-archive a list to bring it back. If you do this, be sure to go back to Task Properties to change the Object Type back and/or reassociate it to a user inbox.

New Chart Module Features

Primary teeth maintained on procedures that require a tooth range

Previously, if a procedure was done on a tooth range that included a primary tooth, and the patient then lost the primary tooth, the procedure would show the permanent tooth instead.

Now, primary teeth are retained, regardless of when those teeth are lost

Custom perio path

When selected, the custom path follows:

  1. 1-16 facial
  2. 17-32 facial
  3. 32-17 lingual
  4. 16-1 lingual

Other New Features & Enhancements

Print a page range in reports!

You voted, we listened!
In File> Printers, check ‘Prompt’ next to your default printer.

When printing, you’ll get a prompt, where you can select to print only a certain page or page range.

19.3 Print a Page Range in Reports

Longer notes allowed on e-Claims

Thank you for voting! We’ve increased the Claim Note box character limit to 400 characters, to allow more comprehensive notes to be included with eClaims.

Great for Large Offices

Provider list enhancements

19.3 Provider List Enhancements
  • You can now search the Provider List
  • Check “show patient count” to show patient count by Provider. This is to prevent slowness for larger offices.
19.3 Program Links by Clinic
See more on our Program Links manual page.

Program links can be enabled or disabled by Clinic. Simply click “Hide Button for Clinics,” then select the locations that should not see the program link button.

We are working on many more exciting features & enhancements.
Please submit AND vote on feature requests to let your voice be heard – we’re listening! We’re only a phone call or chat away if you need help troubleshooting these or other features in the software.

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