About Us

Open Dental Software was born out of the belief that powerful practice management software should also come with a price that’s within reach of every dentist. That’s why we provide extremely robust and flexible Dental Practice Management Software while keeping monthly support costs low, and waive support fees for charitable organizations and practices in developing countries.

We believe you should own your own data, not be constrained by proprietary database structures, and that’s why we’re open source. This also maximizes interoperability by allowing others to develop add-ons to our software.

We never stay static – we’re constantly learning & growing. We strive to be extraordinary listeners, and we act on what we hear – that’s why feature requests drive our product development, and our software is updated with several major releases each year.

When you’re an Open Dental Customer, you’re part of a Community. We care about your practice like it’s our own, and promise to exceed your expectations whenever and however you interact with us.

Please feel free to reach out. We look forward to hearing from you!