Growing Your Practice

Tracking Practice Profitability with the Production and Income Report

Practice Profitability

Tracking practice profitability is critical as you grow your practice. The Production & Income (P&I) Report in Open Dental is a very powerful tool with many options that provide different views of your production and income, allowing effective measurement of your practice profitability. Each report is a little different – please refer to our manual for a more in-depth explanation of each report.

In the Reports window under Production and Income, there are a few set options:

Today/Yesterday: Both of these options generate a Daily type P&I report, providing patient-level details on production and income for today or yesterday, for all clinics and all providers.

This Month / Last Month: Both of these options generate a Monthly type P&I report for this month or last month, totaled by day of the month, for all clinics and all providers. There is an additional column for scheduled production. Patient-level details are not displayed.

This Year: This report generates an Annual view of your P&I, totaled by month, for all clinics and all providers. Patient-level details are not displayed.

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Other Options:

This method gives you total control!  No matter which report type you’re using (Daily, Monthly, Annual, or Provider), if you’re using “Other Options” you can set your own date range.

Make your selections:

Report Type (Daily, Monthly, Annual, or Provider)

Providers (which providers to include)

Clinics – you have 2 additional options, check the box to display Clinic (which will show a clinic column next to each line item) and/or Clinic Breakdown (which shows each clinic in its own section).

The date range for the report

How to show insurance writeoffs (if you want your writeoffs to show and “count against” your production on the procedure date, select procedure date)

Once you run your P&I report, print it. If you want to manipulate the data, export it using the Export button, then use a program like Excel.

FAQs Answered:

I want to see my “actual” practice profitability – taking into account write-off amounts, any adjustments, and both insurance AND patient income.

  1. Make sure you have either “Enforce Fully” or “Auto-Split Only” turned on (Setup, Account under Enforce Valid Paysplits) so Open Dental can help you allocate patient payments to specific procedures. You won’t be able to see patient income by procedure if you don’t allocate patient payments to procedures.
  2. When insurance payments are processed, we recommend you use “by procedure” so that insurance income is allocated to procedures.
  3. If you are in-network and track writeoffs using the PPO Percentage plan type, and you want those writeoff amounts to show alongside their related procedures, you have some options (depending on the version of Open Dental you’re using).
    You can select to have writeoffs displayed using insurance payment date, procedure date, or both. (There are some report setup defaults available for writeoffs. See our reports setup manual page for more details.)

My daily production in the Appointment View doesn’t quite match the Daily P&I Report. Why does this happen, and which data is more accurate?

Your Production and Income report is always the most accurate source of production and income data. It includes adjustments as well as writeoff amounts, while your system default for appointments may not be adding daily adjustments to net production, or the view may not include all providers in its production calculations. When in doubt, use the report!

I want to set Production goals and measure against them. Is there a tool in Open Dental to do this?

We are working on this feature – stay tuned for the announcement of its release!

I ran my P&I report last month. I just ran my P&I report for last month again, but the results aren’t the same. What’s causing this?

There are a few things that can create this result.

  • Back-dated payments
  • Back-dated adjustments
  • Back-dated procedure completion dates
  • The actual writeoff from insurance was different than originally estimated

Tracking your practice profitability doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Consistency is key, both with posting items like adjustments, payments, and procedures, and with the options you select when you run these reports. Using the same options each time will ensure you’re measuring against the same numbers each time.

To make sure revenue isn’t slipping through the cracks, be sure to check out our post: “Don’t Let Revenue Slip Through the Cracks: Using Reports to Plug the Holes.”

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