Feature Highlight

Software Update: Stable Version 18.4 Highlights


SOFTWARE UPDATE: Version 18.4 has been released as Stable.

25 requested enhancements & new features were implemented in this software update!


Introducing… New themes!

Module buttons and “Select Patient” button have been updated in our two new themes. To try them out, go to Setup, Miscellaneous and under Theme select Mono Flat Blue (or Mono Flat Gray). You’ll see new icons in various areas of the program.


Appointment-Related Enhancements:

  • If a completed procedure (attached to an appointment) is set back to Treatment Planned status, that procedure will automatically be detached from that appointment.
  • Blockouts now have a check box to ‘Block Appointment Scheduling’ that when checked, creates a warning message and prevents a user from creating an appointment in that block.
  • Warning comes up when creating a patient appointment if an unscheduled appointment already exists.
  • The ASAP list can now be filtered by a procedure code range.
  • There is a new Appointment Module Preference (defaulted to be “on”) that does not allow a recall appointment to be sent to the unscheduled list. This was done because the recommended workflow is to send out notices to ‘re’schedule the recall appointment from the Recall List rather than from the Unscheduled List. However, if your practice wants to be able to put recall appointments on the Unscheduled List, go to Setup > Appointments > Appts Preferences, and uncheck the preference near the bottom, ” (highlighted below).

Family/Insurance-Related Enhancements:

  • Insurance history allows you to record previous treatment dates for procedures completed outside your practice, so Open Dental can calculate frequency limitations accurately.
    Option 1: In the Family Module, double-click into the Insurance History Grid at the bottom, and enter any treatment history.

    Option 2:
    In the Family Module, Open the patient’s insurance, and in the upper right green-shaded area, click on Hist button next to Adjustments to Insurance Benefits.
    Insurance History
    An Existing Other (EO) procedure entry will be made in the chart.See more on this feature in our online manual. Search for Insurance History.
    Tech Tip: Want to set up the codes for each category?
    Go to Setup > Treat’ Plan > Ins History Tab

Chart-Related Enhancements:

  • You can now select a tooth in one or more quadrants, and chart any procedure code set for a Quadrant – Open Dental will chart that procedure code with the quadrant(s) assigned (based on the tooth you had selected).
    TECH TIP: Already have Procedure Buttons set up for SRP 4 quadrant and SRP 1 quadrant? To chart all 4 quadrants, you can continue to use the button (don’t click on any teeth). To chart one or more specific quadrants, click on a tooth for each quadrant you need to chart, then use the SRP 1 quadrant Procedure Button – it will chart the code for each quadrant you’ve indicated. See the Procedure Buttons page in our online manual for how to set up Procedure Buttons.
  • New right-click options for procedures in the Chart Module (Progress Notes area):
    • Right-click on multiple procedures that are done over several visits (i.e. crowns), and select Group for Multiple Visits. When one of the procedures is set complete, its procedure status will show as Complete (In Process) until all other procedures in the group are set complete as well. A claim can be created once all grouped procedures are set complete. The date of service on the claim will be the date of the last visit.
      TECH TIP: Set your Procedure Buttons that chart multi-visit procedures to ‘Group for Multiple Visits’.
      Watch how this works in our YouTube Video QuickTip: In Process Status for Multi-Visit Treatment
    • Right-click on any procedure to Set Existing Current (EC) or Set Existing Other (EO). Fees will still show in the chart module, but will not reflect in the patient’s account or any reporting.

eServices-Related Enhancements:

  • The Patient Portal is now mobile-friendly: Patients can now view their appointments, send/view secure WebMail communications, and make payments from their mobile devices.
  • On Text Messaging window, select “Patient” to see one line per phone number.
  • Web Forms are now mobile-friendly: Patients can now complete and submit forms from their mobile devices. Stay tuned for a webinar announcement on our social media channels that will cover this feature in more detail.

We are working on many more exciting new features & enhancements. Remember to submit AND vote on feature requests and let your voice be heard, we’re listening!


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